Functionality is the cornerstone of menswear. To cover, to protect, to store. In itself, it justifies the very existence of a garment. Rationalizes its purchase. Legitimizes its wear. Many contemporary brands build on this principle. Some of them even push the logic to the limit. What we might compare to the concept of "overengineering". When an item is so function-oriented that it becomes a purely ornamental object.
We recognize ourselves in that commitment to convince through beauty. Always with the idea in mind that a garment is never more useful than when you really want to wear it as part of your everyday outfits. By thinking of the Intercollar first and foremost as a style accessory, we remain true to our vision of a playful fashion that inspires you to go a step further.
The Intercollar is a streamlined neckwarmer that lets colors, textures and materials speak for themselves. Brisbane Moss medium-rib corduroy inaugurates this launch, a material that symbolizes an elegant, effortless workwear-chic approach to fashion. Only two snaps betray the piece's utilitarian ambitions. Three positions allow the Intercollar to be adjusted to your neck and collars. From chunky military parkas to oversized hoodies, it finds its place and blends into the background. Or it may catch the eye with a subtle reminder, a play on contrasts.